Literature & Publications

134. Dodson, T., Predictors of Dental Implant Survival, Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society, p. 34-38, Vol. 54/No. 4, Winter 2006.

133. Gentile, M., Chuang, S.K., & Dodson, T., Survival Estimates and Risk Factors for Failure with 6 x 5.7 mm Implants, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Vol. 20, No. 6, p. 930-937, November/December 2005.

132. Dibart, S., Warbington, M., Su, M.F., Skobe, Z., In Vitro Evaluation of the Implant-Abutment Bacterial Seal: The Locking Taper System, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol. 20, No. 5, p. 732-737, September 2005.

131. Coelho, P.G. , Lemons, J.E., IBAD Nanothick Bioceramic Incorporation on Metallic Implants for Bone Healing Enhancement. From Physico Chemical Characterization to In-vivo Performance Evaluation, NSTI-Nanotech, Vol. 1, 2005.

130. Kim, C., Gwangju,Chung, Fit of Fixture/ Abutment Interface of Internal Connection Implant Systems, AO Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL March 2005.

129. Coelho, P.G., Lemons, J.E., Morphological and Chemical Assessment of Two Thin-film Ion Beam Assisted Deposited Bioceramic Coated Surfaces on Ti-6Al-4V Implants, AO Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2005.

128. Coelho, A.L., UNICENP, Curitiba, Brazil, Coelho, P.G., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, USA, Freire, J.N.O., Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil, Suzuki, M., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham,. Biomechanical Performance of IBAD Thin-Coated Implants at Early Implantation Times, IADR General Session; Baltimore, MD.

127. Coelho, P.G., Materials Science & Engineering, Birmingham, AL, USA, Geurs, N.C., University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA, Freire, J.N.O., Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil, Coelho, A.L., UNICENP, Curitiba, Brazil, and Speratti, D., Faulkner Hospital, Boston, MA, USA., Gingival Tissue Health Around Locking-Taper Implant-Abutment Connections, IADR General Session; Baltimore, MD.

126. Chuang, S.K., Cai, T., Douglass, C.W., Wei, L.J., Dodson, T.B., Frailty Approach for the Analysis of Clustered Failure Time Observations, Dental Research, J Dent Res, Vol. 84 No.1, p.54-58, 2005.

125. Seh Hi, H., Use of Bicon Implant, Placement without the need of Sinus Lift (II); Process of Prosthetic Restoration, Clinical Implant, 01/02, 2005.

124. Coelho, P.G., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, USA, Freire, J.N.O., Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil, Biomechanische Bewertung von Mini-Implantaten , KN Nr. 12, Germany, December 2004.

123. Seh Hi, H., Use of Bicon Implant, Placement without the need of Sinus Lift (I); Procedure, Clinical Implant, 11/12, 2004.

122. Yong Chan, L., The Unique Quality of Bicon Implant System Clinical Application, Dental Success, Vol. 24 No.6, p.724-732, 2004.

121. Dibart, S., Evaluating the Bacterial Seal of an Implant-Abutment Connection, AAP Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2004.

120. Speratti, D., Aesthetic Dental Implant Restorations, ADA General Session, Orlando, FL, October 2004.

119. Marincola, M., Speratti, D.,Estetica e Eficiencia na reabilitacao de implantes, Implantes Osseointegrados-Inovando Solucoes, Vol. 20, p.385-400, 2004.

118. Wang H.L., Smoking, use of 1-stage implants, and reconstructive procedures (eg, bone grafting) may lead to increased risk of dental implant complications, Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice, Vol. 4, p. 296, December 2004.

117. Urdaneta, R., et al. Comparison of the Periodontal Performance of the Integrated Abutment Crowns, Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns and Teeth: A 2-year retrospective Cohort Study, Oral Presentation OSSEO, September 2004.

116. Lemons, J.E., Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Tissue Healing, and Immediate-Function Dental Implants, Journal of Oral Implantology, Vol. XXX No. 5, 2004.

115. Bozkaya, D., and Müftü, S., Muftu, A., Evaluation of Load Transfer Characteristics of Five Different Implant Systems in Compact Bone at Different Load Levels by Finite Element Analysis, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Vol. 92 No.6, p.523-530, December 2004.

114. Catalán Bajuelo, E., Soliva Garriga, J., & Estrada Fión, D., Prótesis Unitaria Implantosoportada, Gaceta Dental, No. 153, Article 5, November 2004.

113. Coelho, P.G., Lemons, J.E., Surface Characterization of Ca- and P- based Thin-films IBAD Bioceramic Coatings on Ti-6Al-4V Implants, the 7th New Jersey Symposium on Biomaterials Science, Parallel Sessions, October 2004.

112. Kang, JU., Kim, NY., Kim, YL., and Cho, HW., A Photoelastic Stress Analysis of Fixed Partial Dentures with Bicon Implants on Mandibular Posterior Area, Korean Acad Prosthodont. 2004 Aug.

111. Coelho, P.G., Coelho, A.L., Bone Loss Around Implants: The Implant Crest Module, Asian Dentist, Vol. 12 No. 3, p. 18-21, April/May 2004.

110. Woo, V.V., Chuang, S.K., Daher, S., Muftu, A., Dodson, T.B., Dentoalveolar Reconstructive Procedures as a Risk Factor for Implant Failure, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol. 62, No. 7, p. 773-780, July 2004.

109. Abdallah, J., & Assaf, A., Ridge Splitting Technique: A 3-D Solution for the Thin Maxilla, Dental Horizons, Vol. 2 Nov. 1, p. 7-11, 2004.

108. Zoller, G., CDT, Polyceramics A New Alternative for Implants, Enlargement Europe, p. 48-50, May 2004.

107. Zoller, G., CDT, Polyceramics A New Alternative for Implants, Woman Dentist Journal, Vol. 2. No. 4, p. 48-51, April 2004.

106. Bozkaya, D., Müftü, S. and Müftü, A. Efficiency Considerations for the Purely Tapered Interference Fit (TIF) Abutments Used in Dental Implants, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Trans ASME, Vol 126, p, 393-401, 2004.

105. Dibart, S., Marincola, M., Warbington, M.L., Skobe, Z., Urdaneta, R., Chuang, S.K., Bacterial Adhesion on Integrated Abutment Crowns™. (II), IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session, Honolulu, HI, March 2004.

104. Urdaneta, R., Chuang, S.K., Marincola, M., Two-Year Retrospective Evaluation of a Unique Restoration for Single Implants, IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session, Honolulu, HI, March 2004.

103. Coelho, P.G., Lemons, J., Eberhardt, A.W., Biomechanical Assessment of an IBAD Surface-Modified Implant, IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session, Honolulu, HI, March 2004.

102. Coelho, P.G., Suzuki, M., Coelho, A.L., Radial Implant-Abutment Gap Determination Through Serial-Sectioning Method, IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session, Honolulu, HI, March 2004.

101. Leary, J., Hirayama, M., Use of Integrated Abutment Crowns to Enhance the Aesthetics of Maxillary Anterior Implant Restorations, AO General Session, San Francisco, CA, March 2004.

100. Chuang, S.K., Risk Factors with Radiographic Bone Loss in Dental Implants in a Five-Year Retrospecitve Cohort Study, AO General Session, San Francisco, March 2004.

99. Leary, J., Hirayama, M., Immediate Stabilization and Functioning: Anterior Aesthetics, WCOI General Session, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2004.

98. Speratti, D., Immediate Loading Implants for Overdentures, AO General Session, San Francisco, CA, March 2004.

97. McDermott, N., Chuang, S.K., Vehemente, V., Dodson, T.B., Complications of Dental Implants: Identification Frequency and Associated Risk Factors, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Vol. 18, No. 6, p. 1379-1389, December 2003.

96. Hirayama, M., Wang, M., Immediate Loaded implants: How clinicians can achieve aesthetic results, AAID General Session, Hollywood, FL, November 2003.

95. Hirayama, M., Urdaneta, R., Bone Levels around Immediately Loaded-Stabilized Vs. Conventionally loaded locking-taper implants, AAID General Session, Hollywood, FL, November 2003.

94. Coelho, P.G., Thin-Film Bioceramic Coatings: Improvements in Implant Dentistry, Asian Dentist, November 2003.

93. Al-Nawas, B., Gotz, H., Three-Dimensional Topographic and Metrologic Evaluation of Dental Implants by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Clinical Implant Dentistry, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2003.

92. Bozkaya, D., and Müftü, S., Mechanics of the Tapered Interference Fit in Dental Implants, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 36, Issue 11, pg. 1649-1658, November 2003.

91. Gagliano, S., Bono, B., Cassaro, A., Analisi Delle Tensioni Generate Dai Carichi Masticatori In Funzione Della Morfologia Implantare (Masticatory Loads Tension Analysis In Relation to Different Implant Designs), Doctor OS, Anno XIV No. 7, p. 713-719,  September 2003.

90. Leary, J., & Hirayama, M., Extraction, Immediate-Load Implants, Impressions and Final Restorations in Two Patient Visits, JADA, Vol. 134, p. 715-720, June 2003.

89. Gentile, M., Chuang, S.K., Dodson, T., 6.0 x 5.7mm Implants: Survival Estimates and Risk Factors for Failure, American Association of Dental Research, San Antonio, TX, March 2003.

88. Gentile, M., Chuang, S.K., Dodson, T., Mixed-effects Frailty Failure Time Methods to Estimate Dental Implant Survival, American Association of Dental Research, San Antonio, TX, March 2003.

87. Coelho, P.G., Lemons, J., Determination of Bone Activity around a Surface-modified Titanium Alloy Implant, American Association of Dental Research, San Antonio, TX, June 2003.

86. Hirayama, M., and Wang, M., Immediate Loading and Stabilization: The Clinical Realities, AO General Session Research, Boston, MA, March 2003.

85. Mcdermott, N., Chuang. SK., Vehemente. V., Daher. S., Muftu. A., and Dodson. T.B., Complications of Dental Implants: Identification, Frequency, and Associated Risk Factors, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA, Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine, USA, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, USA, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA.

84. Bozkaya, D., Müftü, S. and Müftü, A.,Stress Distribution Characteristics of Various Implant Systems due to Non-central Occlusal Loads, Poster presentation abstract for the Academy of Osseointegration 18th Annual Meeting, February 27-March 1, 2003, Boston MA.

83. Chuang, S., Risk factors for dental implant failure: A strategy for the analysis of clustered failure time observations, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA, L.-J. WEI, Harvard School of Public Health, USA, and T.B. DODSON, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA.

82. Wang, M.Y. & Hirayama, M.,Implant-Supported Overdenture Surgery in the Severely Resorbed Edentulous Mandible: A Clinical Report, AO General Session, Boston, MA, March 2003.

81. Bozkaya, D., Müftü, S.,Tapered Connection Mechanisms in Dental Implants, Poster presentation abstract for the Academy of Osseointegration 18th Annual Meeting, February 27-March 1, 2003, Boston MA.

80. Gherlone, E., Paracchini, L., Targetti, L., & Mascardi, A., Studio Sul Comportamento Alla Fatica Di Una Sistematica Implantare, IL Dentista Moderno, Anno XXI No. 2, p. 6574, February 2003.

79. Chuang, S., Wei, L., & Dodson, T., Predicting Dental Implant Survival by Use of the Marginal Approach of the Semi-parametric Survival Methods for Clustered Observations, J Dental Research, Vol. 81 No.12, p. 851-855, December, 2002.

78. Hirayama, M.,Immediate Restorations in Clinical Realities, AAID General Session, Los Angles, CA, October 2002.

77. Hirayama, M., Marincola, M., Wang, M., The New Generation In Aesthetic Dentistry: Extra-Oral Cementation & Integrated Abutment Crown™, AAID General Session, Los Angles, CA, October 2002.

76. Chuang, S., Wei, L., Douglass C.W., & Dodson, T., Risk Factors for Dental Implant Failure: A Strategy for the Analysis of Clustered Failure-time Observations, J Dental Research, Vol. 81, No.8, p. 572-577, August 2002.

75. Mcdermott, N., Chuang, S.K., Vehemente, V., Daher, S., Muftu, A., and Dodson, T.B., Complications of Dental Implants: Identification, Frequency, and Associated Risk Factors, IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session, San Diego, CA, March 2002.

74. Chuang, S., Dodson, T., Risk factors for dental implant failure: A strategy for the analysis of clustered failure time observations, IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session, San Diego, CA, March 2002.

73. Hirayama, M., and Wang, M., Integrated Abutment Crown with Poly-Ceramic Material, Hinman General Session, Georgia, March 2002.

72. Gherlone, E., Paracchini, L., Mascardi, A., Stress Distribution in the Mandibular Bone with Five Different Implants, Il Dentista Moderno, Vol. 19 No. 9, November 2001.

71. Marincola, M., Waknine, S., Carelli, R., Perpetuini, P., Extraorally Cemented Crowns and Integrated Abutment Crown, Quintessence International, November-December 2001.

70. Chuang, S., Tian, L., Wei, L., & Dodson, T., Kaplan-Meier Analysis of Dental Implant Survival: A Strategy for Estimating Survival with Clustered Observations, J Dental Research, Vol. 80 No. 11, p. 2016-2020, November 2001.

69. Targetti, L., Capuano, A., Cocci, S., Meli, R., Impianto Post Estrattivo Immediato Sommerso Profondamente Al di Sotto Della Cresta Ossea, Quintessence International, September-October 2001.

68. Insignares, S., Diaz, A., & Ramos, J., Bicon: Un Sistema de Implantes Sencillo de Restaurar, Titanio, Revista Cientifica de la Academia Colombiana de Osseointegración, Vol. 3, September 2001.

67. Diaz A., & Martinez, A., Elevación Interna del seno maxilar tras la Colocación de implantes Bicon Oseointegrados, una Alternativa Quirúrgica Protesica, CES Odontológica, Medellín, Colombia,No.1, September 2001.

66. Gherlone, E., Mascardi, A., Ferraris, S., Paracchini, L., Pastoni, F., Strola, G., Permeability to the Bacterial Colonization of Two Types of Implant, Il Dentista Moderno, Vol 19, No. 6, June 2001.

65. Keating, K., Dublin Institute of Technology, Department of Engineering Technology, Connecting Abutments to Dental Implants ‘An Engineer's Perspective’, Irish Dentist, July 2001.

64. Hernandez, A.E.C., Zabaleta, J.J.L., Vergara, J.F.V.,Estudio Histomorfometrico y biomecanico de la interfase hueso-titanio (bicontite) en cerdos jersey, Universisad de cartagena, May 2001.

63. Hirayama, M., Wang, M.Y., Bone Morphology Associated with Biologic Width Among Various Dental Implant Designs, AO General Session, Toronto, Canada, March 2001.

62. Abdallah, J., & Assaf, A., Immediate Abutment Placement for One-Stage Implant Surgery, Arab Dental Journal, Vol. 4, p. 213-219, 1999.

61. Abdallah, J., Using the Taper-Lock Interface in Posterior Supported Prosthesis: A Case Report, Revue Dentaire Libanaise, Vol. 37, p. 55-61, 1999.

60. Turesky, J.D., Shepherd, N.J., Morgan, V.J., Muftu, A., A Simple Prosthetic Approach Using Cement-Retained Implant Prosthesis After Surgical Treatment of Ameloblastoma, Implant Dentistry, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1999.

59. Reinish E., & Abrams S., The Restoration of Congenitally Missing Teeth Involving Bony Expansion and a Simplified Implant System, Oral Health, p. 29-32, August 1999.

58. Gherlone, E., et al., Distribuzione Degli Sforzi in Impiante Dentali, Il Dentista Moderno, September 1999.

57. Morgan, V.J., & Chapman, R.J., Retrospective Analysis of an Implant System, Compendium, Vol. 20, No. 7, p. 609-626, July 1999.

56. Spreafico, A., Davini, L., & Gherlone, E., Risoluzione Di Un Caso Clinico Con Impianti A Connessione Conometrica, Il Dentista Moderno, Maggio 1999.

55. Marincola, M., Un sistema de implantes simple, practico y rentable, Pilares, p. 18-20, 1999.

54. Shepherd, N., Affordable Implant Prosthetics, JADA, Vol. 129, p.1733-1739, December 1998.

53. Muftu, A., & Chapman, R.J., Replacing Posterior Teeth with Freestanding Implants: Four-year Prosthodontic Results of a Prospective Study, J Am Dent Assoc., Vol.129 No.8, p.1097-102, August 1998.

52. Neenana, T., Marcolongo , M., & Valentini, R.F., Biomedical Materials-Drug Delivery,, Implants and Tissue Engineering, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 550, 1998.

51. Muftu, A., et al., Comparison of Streptococcus Sanguis Penetration through Various Implant-Abutment Connection Mechanisms, Journal of Dental Research. Vol. 76 Special Issue. Abstract #1813. 1997.

50. Muftu, A., Chapman, R.J., & Mulcahy, H.L., Comparison of Ss Penetration Through Various Implant-Abutment Connection Mechanisms, IADR Orlando, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine & Suffolk University Department of Biology, Boston, MA., March 1997.

49. David, G., Missika, P., & Picard, B., Connexion de la Prothese Fixe sur Implant Etude du Systeme Bicon, Universite Paris VII, Faculte de Chirurgie Dentaire, 1996.

48. Gealer, R., Harrington Arthritis Research Center, Mechanical Testing of Dental Implants, December 1996.

47. Clinical Research Associates Newsletter© , Vol. 20, No. 6, December 1996.

46. Chapman, R., & Grippo, W., The Locking Taper Attachment for Implant Abutments: Use and Reliability, Implant Dentistry, Williams & Wilkins, Winter Vol. 5 No. 4, p. 257-61, 1996.

45. Muftu, A., Chapman, R.J., & Mulcahy, H.L., Comparison of Microbial Penetration Between Components of Screw and Locking Taper Implant-Abutment Connections, IADR San Francisco, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine & Suffolk University Department of Biology, Boston, MA., March 1996.

44. Shepherd, N.J., A General Dentist’s Guide to Proper Dental Implant Placement From an Oral Surgeons Perspective, Compendium, Vol. 17 No.2, February 1996.

43. Brantley, A., Mechanical Testing of Dental Implants, Harrington Arthritis Research Center, Project # 119-2074, Phoenix AZ, June 23, 1995.

42. Gealer, R., Mechanical Testing of Dental Implants, Harrington Arthritis Research Center, April-May 1995.

41. Chapman, R.J., Single Tooth Implant Aesthetics, Dentistry Today, Vol. 14 No. 3, March 1995.

40. Brantley, A., Fatigue Testing of Dental Implants, Harrington Arthritis Research Center, December 1994.

39. Root Form Implant Placements Within the Posterior Mandible, Dental Implantology Update, Vol. 5 No.11, p. 85-88, November 1994.

38. Keller, J.C., Stanford, C.M., Wightman, J.P., Draughn, R.A., & Zaharias, R., Characterizations of titanium implant surfaces.III, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 28, p. 939-946, 1994.

37. Bouvier, L. et al., Ultrastructural Study of Calvaria-Released Osteoblasts Cultured in contact with Titanium-based Substrates, Cells and Materials, Scanning Microscopy International, Vol. 4 No. 2, p. 135-142, 1994.

36. Mitchell, S., Lemons, J., & Wellons, H., Tissue Interfaces for Titanium Alloy Plateau Implants, March 1994 IADR General Session and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, University of Alabama and Stryker Dental Implants, Kalamazoo, MI.

35. Kay, J.F., Hydroxylapatite-Coatings for No-Precision Implant Placements, Characterization and Performance of Calcium Phosphate Coatings for Implants, ASTM STP 1196, Emanuel Horowitz and Jack E. Parr, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1994.

34. Dion, I., Baquey, C., Monties, J., & Havlik, P., Haemocompatibility of Ti6Al4V Alloy, Biomaterials, Vol. 14, No. 2, p. 122-126, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. March 1994.

33. Driskell, T.D., Early History of Calcium Phosphate Materials and Coatings, Characterization and Performance of Calcium Phosphate Coatings for Implants, ASTM STP 1196, Emanuel Horowitz and Jack E. Parr, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1994.

32. Wennerberg, A., Albrektsson, T., & Andersson, B., Design and Surface Characteristics of 13 Commercially Available Oral Implant Systems, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Vol. 8 No. 6, p. 622-633: 1993.

31. Lemons, J.E., Temperature Measurements from Vital Bone During Bone Surgery, Departments of Biomaterials and Surgery, University of Alabama Schools of Dentistry and Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama, July 1993.

30. Driskell, T.D., Implant Design Attributes Which Contribute to Long Term Survival and to Salvage Situations, The “Implantologist” The Academy for Implants and Transplants. Vol. 7 No. 2, p. 9, 1992.

29. Driskell, T.D., Early History of Calcium Phosphate Materials and Coatings, ASTM Symposium, Miami, FL, November 1992.

28. Sawa, A., Fatigue Testing of Dental Implants, Harrington Arthritis Research Center, Phoenix AZ, December 1991.

27. Driskell, T.D., The Stryker Precision Implant System: Root Form Series, McKinney, R.V.: Endosteal Dental Implants, Mosby Year Book, 1991.

26. Gealer and Koeneman, Fatigue Testing of Dental Implants, Phoenix, Harrington Arthritis Research Center, AZ, June 1991.

25. Chess, J.T., Technique for Placement of Root Form Implants of the Finned or Serrated Type, JADA, Vol. 121, p. 414-17, 1990.

24. Ducheyne, P., Healy, K. E., The effect of plasma-sprayed calcium phosphate ceramic coatings on the metal ion release from porous titanium and cobalt-chromium alloys, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 22, p. 1137-1163, 1988.

23. Driskell, T.D., History of Implants, J. California Dental Association, Vol. 15, p. 16-24, 1987.

22. Blake, A., What Every Engineer Should Know About Threaded Fasteners Materials and Design, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1986.

21. Driskell, T.D., The DB Precision Implant System 1000 Series: Evolution and Rationale, Driskell Bioengineering, Galena, Ohio, 1985.

20. Metsger, S.D., Driskell, T.D., Paulsrud, J.R., Tricalcium phosphate ceramic—a resorbable bone implant: review and current status, JADA, Vol. 105, p. 1035-1038, December 1982.

19. Driskell, T., Heller, A., The Evaluation of Aluminum Oxide Endosseous Implants in Humans, Miter Inc. and private dental practice, Worthington, Ohio International Association for Dental Reserach Scandinavian Division, IADR.

18. Driskell, T.D. et. al., Direct pulp capping of permanent teeth in primates using a resorbable form of tricalcium phosphate ceramic, Journal of Endodontics, Vol. 1 No. 3, p. 95-106, March 1975.

17. Driskell, T., Heller, A., and Koenigs, J., Apical Closure of Teeth Using a Resorbable Tricalcium Phosphate (SYNTOHS), The Ohio State University, International Association for Dental Reserach and American Association for Dental Research.

16. Driskell, T., Heller, A., and Koenigs, J., Use of a Resorbable Ceramic (SYNTHOS) in Direct Pulp-Capping, The Ohio State University, Columbus, International Association for Dental Reserach and American Association for Dental Research.

15. Driskell, T., Heller, A., and Koenigs, J., The Efficacy and Safety of Resorbable Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramic Implants, College of Dentistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.51st Genral Session of the Interntional Association for Dental Reserch 1974.

14. Driskell, T.D., O’Hara, M.J. & Greene, G.W., Surgical Tooth Implants, Combat & Field. Report No.3, Contract No. DADA17-69-C-9118, Supported by U.S. Army Medical Research and Development and Command, 1973.

13. Driskell, T.D., Spangenberg, H.D., Tennery, V.J., McCoy, L.G., Current Status of High Density Alumina Tooth Root Structures, Paper presented at the 51st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, April 12-15, 1973.

12. Porous Ceramic To Help Man Grow New Bone, Machine Design, Vol. 44 No. 1 , p. 10, January 1972.

11. Driskell, T.D., O’Hara, M.J. & Greene, G.W., Surgical Tooth Implants, Combat & Field. Report No.2, Contract No. DADA17-69-C-9118, Supported by U.S. Army Medical Research and Development and Command, 1972.

10. Driskell, T.D., O’Hara, M.J., Sheets, H.D., Green G.W., Natiella, J.R., Development of Ceramic and Ceramic Composite Devices for Maxillofacial Applications, in Hall, C.W., Hulbert, S.F., Levine, S.F., Young, F.A., (eds.), Bioceramics, Engineering in Medicine, New York, Wiley-Interscience, p. 345-361, 1972.

9. Driskell, T., Spangenberg, H., Tennery, V., and McCoy, L., Current status of High Density Alumina Ceramic Tooth Root Structures, Columbus Laboratories.51st Genral Session of the Interntional Association for Dental Reserch and the Annual Session of the North American Division of IADR 1972.

8. Porous Ceramic Degrades in Bone Grafts, Design News, March 1972.

7. Driskell, Management of Hard Tissue Avulsive Wounds and Management of Orofacial Fractures, Report No.3, Contract No. DADA17-69-C-9118, Supported by U.S. Army Medical Research and Development and Command, 1972.

6. Driskell, Management of Hard Tissue Avulsive Wounds and Management of Orofacial Fractures, Report No.2, Contract No. DADA17-69-C-9118, Supported by U.S. Army Medical Research and Development and Command, 1971.

5. Driskell, Management of Hard Tissue Avulsive Wounds and Management of Orofacial Fractures, Report No.1, Contract No. DADA17-69-C-9118, Supported by U.S. Army Medical Research and Development and Command, 1971.

4. Driskell, T.D., O’Hara, M.J. & Greene, G.W., Surgical Tooth Implants, Combat & Field. Report No.1, Contract No. DADA17-69-C-9118, Supported by U.S. Army Medical Research and Development and Command, 1971.

3. Bone Graft Alternative Shows Promise, Battelle Columbus Laboratories News, December 1971.

2. Bone grafting may be revolutionized by newly developed ceramic...Study shows mortality rates of American men are rising, Outlook: Medical World News, p. 11, December 1971.

1. Driskell, T.D., O’Hara, M.J., Sheets, H.D., Green G.W., Jr., Natiella, J.R. and Armitage, J., Development and Application of Ceramics and Ceramic Composites for Implant Dentistry, Paper presented at Clemson University Symposium on “Materials for Implant Dentistry”, April, 1970.