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New Case Study

Impression, Shade Recording, and Insertion of Immediately Placed and Functioning Maxillary Left Incisor Implants with Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the implant level transfer impression for two maxillary left incisor implants that were immediately placed and functioning as well as the shade recording and insertion of their Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

Extraction, Two-Stage & Immediate Placement and Loading of Twenty-One Implants and their Restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™ (Part One)

This case demonstrates the two stage, immediate placement and loading of twenty one implants as well as their restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™ in four clinical visits during a period of twenty-two weeks.


New Case Study

Extraction, Two-Stage & Immediate Placement and Loading of Twenty-One Implants and their Restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™ (Part Two)

This case demonstrates the two stage, immediate placement and loading of twenty one implants as well as their restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™ in four clinical visits during a period of twenty-two weeks.


New Case Study

Extraction of a Maxillary Central Incisor and Restoration of an Immediately Placed and Functioning Implant with an Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a maxillary left central incisor with internal resorption, immediate placement, transitional stabilization, implant level transfer impression, and insertion of immediately stabilized or loaded maxillary left central incisor implant as well as the insertion of an Integrated Abutment Crown™ with a seating jig.


New Case Study

Extraction of a Maxillary Central Incisor and Restoration of an Immediately Placed and Functioning Short Implant with an Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a maxillary left central incisor with internal resorption and the insertion of an immediately stabilized short implant along with its restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™.


New Case Study

Restoration of Two Mandibular Molar Short Implants with Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns

This case demonstrates the restoration of two mandibular molars using two 5.0mm x 6.0mm short implants and extra-orally cemented porcelain fused to metal restorations.


New Case Study

Extraction, Two Stage Placement and Restoration of a Mandibular Lateral Incisor with Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a mandibular lateral incisor with root resorption and its replacement with an immediately placed implant using the two stage surgical technique as well as the subsequent restoration of the implant with an Integrated Abutment Crown™, with all treatment being accomplished in three clinical visits.


New Case Study

Maxillary One-Piece Transitional O-Ring Implant and Three Standard Bicon implants and their Restoration with an Implant Retained Overdenture

This case demonstrates the placement of a one-piece transitional o-ring implant and its restoration as well as that of three two-piece implants with a metal framed implant retained overdenture without palatal coverage.


New Case Study

Extraction, Placement and Restoration of Four Mandibular Incisors with Two Immediately Functioning Implants and a four-unit polyceramic material to metal fixed prosthesis

This case demonstrates the extraction of four mandibular incisors and the immediate placement of two immediately functioning implants and their restoration with a four-unit polyceramic material to metal fixed prosthesis.


New Case Study

Two Stage Replacement and Restoration of Non-Integrated Right Canine Implant

This case demonstrates the two stage replacement and restoration of the removed non-integrated right canine implant.


New Case Study

Implant Level Transfer Impression and Restoration of a Maxillary Right Lateral Incisor Implant with an Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the implant level transfer impression and the insertion of an Integrated Abutment Crown™ (IAC) to restore a maxillary right lateral incisor implant.


New Case Study

Extraction, Grafting, and Full Mouth Placement of Twenty-Three Two Stage, Immediately Stabilized and Functioning Implants, and their Restoration with Twenty-One Integrated Abutment Crowns™ and a Three Unit Polyceramic Material Fused to Metal Fixed Prosthesis (Part One)

This case demonstrates the sequencing of tooth extractions, bone grafting and two stage and immediately stabilized and functioning implant placement techniques for twenty-three implants as well as their restoration with twenty-one Integrated Abutment Crowns™ (IAC’s) and a three unit poly-ceramic to metal fixed prosthesis.


New Case Study

Extraction, Grafting, and Full Mouth Placement of Twenty-Three Two Stage, Immediately Stabilized and Functioning Implants, and their Restoration with Twenty-One Integrated Abutment Crowns™ and a Three Unit Polyceramic Material Fused to Metal Fixed Prosthesis (Part Two)

This case demonstrates the sequencing of tooth extractions, bone grafting and two stage and immediately stabilized and functioning implant placement techniques for twenty-three implants as well as their restoration with twenty-one Integrated Abutment Crowns™ (IAC’s) and a three unit poly-ceramic to metal fixed prosthesis.


New Case Study

Maxillary Ridge Split, Two Stage Placement, and Restoration of Four Congenitally Missing Teeth with Bicon Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the restoration of four congenitally missing teeth with a maxillary ridge split for the placement of four Bicon implants using the two stage surgical technique and their restoration with Bicon Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

Extraction, Placement and Restoration of Immediately Placed and Functioning Maxillary Central and Left Lateral Incisor Implants with Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the extraction of two maxillary incisors and the restoration of three immediately functioning implants with three Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

A Two Stage Uncovering of Maxillary Left Lateral Incisor Implant and its Restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the restoration of a two stage immediately placed implant for a failed endodontically treated maxillary left lateral incisor with an Integrated Abutment Crown™.


New Case Study

A Two Stage Placement of Mandibular First Molar Short Implant and its Restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the two stage delayed immediate surgical placement of a 6.0mm wide by 5.7mm short implant and the insertion of an Integrated Abutment Crown™ to replace a recently removed mandibular first molar.


New Case Study

Two Stage Less than Ideal Placement of Three Mandibular Implants and their Restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the surgical exposure of the mental foramen prior to the two stage less than ideal shallow placement of three mandibular implants. Their restoration with three Integrated Abutment Crowns™ reveals the superior gingival aesthetics that can be achieved even with implants that are less than ideally placed.


New Case Study

Extraction, Placement and Restoration of Immediately Placed and Functioning Maxillary Right Central Incisor Implant with Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a failed endodontically treated maxillary right central incisor and its replacement with an immediately placed and functioning implant and its restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™.


New Case Study

Extraction, Placement and Restoration of Immediately Placed and Functioning Maxillary Central Incisor Implants with Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a failed endodontically treated maxillary right central incisor and of the adjacent central incisor and their replacement with immediately placed and functioning implants as well as their restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

Placement and Restoration of Immediately Functioning Maxillary Central Incisor Implant and Subsequent Placement and Restoration of the Adjacent Central Incisor Implant with Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the surgical placement and restoration of an immediately functioning maxillary central incisor implant and its restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™ as well as the subsequent restoration of the adjacent central incisor with an immediately functioning implant and an Integrated Abutment Crown™ by using the initially placed implant to stabilize its transitional restoration.


New Case Study

Extraction of Four Maxillary Incisors, Placement of Four Immediately Placed and Functioning Implants with an Acellular Dermal Graft and their Restoration with Four Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the extraction of three failed endodontically treated maxillary incisors and the placement of four immediately placed and functioning implants and their restoration with four Integrated Abutment Crowns™ along with the placement of an acellular dermal graft.


New Case Study

Extraction, Two Stage Placement of Three Mandibular Implants, and Their restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the extraction of two failed endodontically treated teeth for a three unit mandibular fixed prosthesis and the immediate two stage placement of two short 6.0mm x 5.7mm HA coated implants and the two stage placement of an additional implant as well as their restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

Two Stage Uncovering, Restoration of Two Mandibular Implants with Integrated Abutment Crowns™ and the Closing of an Open Interproximal Contact by Rotating an Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the two stage implant uncovering, temporization and insertion of two mandibular molar Integrated Abutment Crowns™ and how an apparently open interproximal contact can be simply closed by rotating an Integrated Abutment Crown™ in its implant well.


New Case Study

Extraction Site Preparation with Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane, Placement, Temporization and Restoration of Three Maxillary Anterior Implants with Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the sequencing of extraction site preparation with Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane, implant placements, temporizations and restoration of three maxillary anterior implants with three Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

Bilateral Sinus Floor Augmentation Grafts, the Placement and Removal of Three Immediately Placed and Functioning Implants, the Placement of Eleven Maxillary Implants and their Restoration with Nine Integrated Abutment Crowns™ and a Three-Unit Polyceramic to Metal Fixed Prosthesis

This case demonstrates the sequencing and execution of treatments for the restoration of an edentulous maxilla with bilateral sinus floor augmentation grafts, the placement and removal of three immediately placed and functioning implants, the placement of eleven maxillary implants and their restoration with nine Integrated Abutment Crowns™ and one three-unit polyceramic to metal fixed prosthesis.


New Case Study

Placement of Two Immediately Functioning Implants and their Restoration with Two Polyceramic to Metal Crowns and the Restoration of Two Natural Teeth with All-Ceramic Crowns

This case demonstrates the replacement of a four unit maxillary anterior fixed prosthesis with the placement of two immediately functioning implants and their restoration with two polyceramic to metal crowns as well as the restoration of two maxillary lateral incisors with all-ceramic crowns.


New Case Study

Extraction of Two Maxillary Canines, Placement of Three Immediately Functioning Implants, Restoration of Twelve Maxillary Implants with Integrated Abutment Crowns™, and the Removal of Right Canine Implant and its Two Stage Replacement

This case demonstrates the extraction of two maxillary canines and the placement of three maxillary immediately functioning implants as well as the restoration of twelve maxillary implants with Integrated Abutment Crowns™ and the subsequent removal of the non-integrated right canine implant and its two stage surgical replacement.


New Restorative Manual

Bicon's recently updated Restorative Manual is now online

The Bicon Restorative Manual includes our proven and predictable techniques, and have been successfully utilized over the years by many Bicon clinicians. Clinicians for whom the Bicon system is a new experience should be impressed with the flexibility, forgivingness, and facility with which Bicon implants can be placed and restored, as well as how easily and consistently superior gingival aesthetics can be achieved.


New Case Study

Restoration of an Immediately Stabilized and Functioning Maxillary Left Central Incisor Implant with an Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the immediate stabilization and functioning of a maxillary left central incisor implant with its aesthetically challenging restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™.


New Case Study

Restoration of an Immediately Stabilized and Functioning Maxillatry Left First Bicuspid with an Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the replacement of a failed endodontically treated maxillary left first bicuspid with an immediately loaded and functioning implant and its restoration with an Integrated Abutment Crown™.


New Case Study

Simultaneous Two Stage Placement of Two maxillary Implants and Grafting with Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane, Subsequent Third Implant Placement and Restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the simultaneous two stage placement of two maxillary anterior implants and the grafting of an intervening deep buccal concavity using the Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane with an allograft material along with the subsequent placement of a third implant.  The restoration of the three implants with individual Integrated Abutment Crowns™ is also demonstrated.


New Case Study

Extraction, Grafting with Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane, Placement and Restoration of immediately functioning Maxillary Right Central Incisor Implant with an Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a failed endodontically treated maxillary right central incisor and its restoration with an immediately functioning implant and an Integrated Abutment Crown™ six months after the grafting of its extraction site with a Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane and an allograft material.


New Case Study

Placement of Seven Immediately Functioning Mandibular Implants and their Restoration with six Integrated Abutment Crowns™ and a Three Unit Fixed Polyceramic to Metal Bridge

This case demonstrates a patient’s attempt to solve his frustration with failed root canal and conventional restorative treatments by using plumber’s cement to rescue his mandibular fixed prosthesis as well as the insertion of seven implants and their restoration with six Integrated Abutment CrownsTM and a three unit fixed polyceramic to metal bridge.


New Website Section

Superior Gingival Aesthetics

Bicon has just introduced a new section to the website: Superior Gingival Aesthetics. With over 50 high-resolution images, we show how gingivally aesthetic restorations are easily and predictably achieved with Bicon — particularly with the advent of the Bicon Integrated Abutment Crown™ (IAC). Never again will you have to apologize for a dark gum line.


New Case Study

Restoration of Ten Maxillary Implants with Two Three-unit Polyceramic to Metal Fixed Bridges and Six Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the restoration of ten maxillary implants with two three-unit polyceramic to metal fixed bridges and six Integrated Abutment Crowns™ using the implant level transfer impression technique.


New Case Study

Two Stage Uncovering of Four Implants, Extraction of Three Incisors with their Immediate Placement and Functioning Implants, and Restoration with Seven Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the uncovering of four two stage maxillary implants and the extraction of three incisors and their replacement with immediately placed and functioning implants as well as the restoration of seven Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

Mandibular Ridge Split, Extractions, Immediate Placement and Functioning of Implants and their Restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates a mandibular ridge split, extractions, immediate placement and functioning of three mandibular implants and their restoration with Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

Extraction of Mandibular First Premolar, Two Stage Placement and Restoration of Three Mandibular implants with Bicon Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a failed endodontically treated mandibular first premolar using a periotome and the placement of three mandibular implants using the two stage surgical technique as well as their restoration with Bicon Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

Restoration of a One Stage Implant Placement of a Mandibular Second Premolar with a Bicon Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the restoration of a one stage implant placement of a mandibular second premolar with a Bicon Integrated Abutment Crown™.


New Case Study

Placement and Restoration of Immediately Functioning Mandibular Incisor Implants with a Four Unit Polyceramic to Metal Fixed Prosthesis

This case demonstrates the extraction of a failed endodontically treated mandible incisors and their replacement with two immediately placed and functioning implants and their restoration with a four unit polyceramic material to metal fixed prosthesis with two laboratory milled abutments.


New Case Study

Placement of Maxillary Left Lateral Incisor with Bovine Graft and Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane and Restoration with a Bicon Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a failed endodontically treated maxillary lateral incisor, subsequent bovine bone allograft with a Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane, placement of an immediately stabilized and functioning implant, fabrication of three bonded transitional prostheses, implant level impression, and an insertion of a Bicon Integrated Abutment Crown™.


New Case Study

Placement of Maxillary Right Central Incisor with Bovine Graft and Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane and Restoration with a Bicon Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a failed endodontically treated maxillary central incisor, bovine allograft site preparation with a Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane, two stage implant placement with Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane, fabrication of three bonded transitional prostheses, implant level transfer impression and insertion of an Integrated Abutment Crown™.


New Case Study

Placement, Laboratory and Clinical Restoration of Two Maxillary Molar Implants with Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns

This case demonstrates the surgical placement, laboratory and clinical restoration with porcelain fused to metal crowns using the indirect abutment transfer technique for an immediately placed, stabilized and functioning implant, as well as two maxillary molar implants placed after a lateral sinus floor augmentation with two stage surgical technique.


New Case Study

Restoration of Two Mandibular Molar Implants with Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns

This case demonstrates the two-stage surgical uncovering, abutment placement, temporization, abutment level transfer impression, and laboratory and chairside restoration of two mandibular molar implants with porcelain fused to metal crowns.


New Case Study

Twenty-Seven Immediately Placed, Stabilized and Functioning Implants Restored with Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the placement and restoration of twenty-seven immediately placed, stabilized and functioning implants with Integrated Abutment Crowns™.


New Case Study

Extraction and Placement of Immediately Functioning Maxillary Right Central Incisor Implant with Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the surgical placement and restoration of a maxillary right central incisor with an Integrated Abutment Crown™ of an immediately placed, stabilized and functioning implant.


New Case Study

Placement and Restoration of Four Maxillary Implants with an Eleven Unit Polyceramic to Metal Fixed Prostheses Attached to a Natural Tooth

This case demonstrates the two stage surgical placement of four maxillary implants and their prosthetic restoration with a single polyceramic to metal crown on a natural tooth and a ten unit polyceramic to metal fixed prosthesis involving a single natural abutment tooth.


New Case Study

Full Mouth Placement of Immediately Functioning Implants and their Restoration with Three Fixed Polyceramic to Metal Bridges and Six Integrated Abutment Crowns™

This case demonstrates the removal of eight failed previously placed screw-type implants and the full mouth fixed restoration of sixteen Bicon implants with three polyceramic to metal fixed bridges and six Integrated Abutment Crowns™ after the surgical techniques of sinus floor grafting, ridge splitting and immediately functioning implant placements.


New Case Study

Extraction and Placement of Immediately Functioning Maxillary Right Lateral Implant with Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the extraction of a failed root canal treated maxillary lateral incisor and its replacement with an immediately functioning implant restored with a Bicon Integrated Abutment Crown™


New Case Study

Extraction and Placement of Immediately Functioning Maxillary Left Second Bicuspid Implant with Integrated Abutment Crown™

This case demonstrates the surgical placement and restoration with a Bicon Integrated Abutment Crown™ of an immediately placed and functioning maxillary second bicuspid implant.


New Case Study

Placement and Restoration of Two Implants and Crown Lengthening Surgery for Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors

This case demonstrates the surgical placement of two immediately functioning lateral incisor implants and their restoration with Bicon Integrated Abutment Crowns™ along with the surgical crown lengthening of the adjacent teeth.


Research Abstract

Biomechanical Evaluation of a Wide Diameter Bicon Dental Implant in Various Bone Conditions

Bozkaya, D., Muftu, S. and Muftu, A., Poster abstract at the Academy of Osseointegration 19th Annual Meeting, March 18-20, 2004, San Francisco, CA.


Educational Opportunities

New Bicon Courses

Bicon has just revamped our course offerings to offer greater flexibility to clinicians and lab professionals. Online registration is now available for all Bicon courses. Register today — space is limited!


New Video

Bicon Features

This new video details the unique features of the Bicon Dental Implant System, including the locking taper, abutment removal, bacterial seal, 360˚ universal abutment positioning, sloping shoulder, superior gingival aesthetics, and plateaued root form.


Research Abstract at IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session; Honolulu, HI

Bacterial Adhesion on Integrated Abutment Crowns™. In Vivo Study (II)

M. MARINCOLA, S. DIBART, M.L. WARBINGTON, Z. SKOBE, R. URDANETA, and S.-K. CHUANG, University of Cartagena, AISI, Italian Association of Restorative Implant Dentistry, Rome, Italy, Boston University, MA, USA, Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, Harvard University, Concord Dental Associates, Concord, MA, USA, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard School of Public Health, Chestnut Hill.


Research Abstract at IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session; Honolulu, HI

Bacterial Adhesion on Integrated Abutment Crowns™. In Vitro Study (I)

S. DIBART, M. MARINCOLA, M.L. WARBINGTON, and Z. SKOBE, Boston University, MA, USA, University of Cartagena, AISI, Italian Association of Restorative Implant Dentistry, Rome, Italy, Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA.


Research Abstract at IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session; Honolulu, HI

Two-Year Retrospective Evaluation of a Unique Restoration for Single Implants

R. URDANETA, Harvard University, Concord Dental Associates, Concord, MA, USA, M. MARINCOLA, University of Cartagena, AISI, Italian Association of Restorative Implant Dentistry, Rome, Italy, and S.-K. CHUANG, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard School of Public Health, Chestnut Hill.


Research Abstract at IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session; Honolulu, HI

Biomechanical Assessment of an IBAD Surface-Modified Implant

P.G. COELHO, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingam, USA, J. LEMONS, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, and A.W. EBERHARDT, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.


Research Abstract at IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session; Honolulu, HI

Radial Implant-Abutment Gap Determination Through Serial-Sectioning Method

P.G. COELHO, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, USA, M. SUZUKI, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, and A.L. COELHO, UNICENP, Curitiba, Brazil.


Research Abstract

Efficiency Considerations for the Purely Tapered Interference Fit (TIF) Abutments Used in Dental Implants

Bozkaya, D., Müftü, S. and Müftü, A., Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Trans ASME

Important Update

IAC Abutment Selection Guide

There have been some minor revisions to our IAC Abutment Selection Guide. Please make sure you are up to date.


New Publication Added

Complications of Dental Implants: Identification Frequency and Associated Risk Factors

52. McDermott, N., Chuang, S.K., Vehemente, V., Dodson, T.B., Complications of Dental Implants: Identification Frequency and Associated Risk Factors, The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, Vol 18 No. 6, p. 1379-1389, December 2003


New Publication Added

Three-Dimensional Topographic and Metrologic Evaluation of Dental Implants by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

51. B. Al-Nawas, H. Gotz, Three-Dimensional Topographic and Metrologic Evaluation of Dental Implants by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Clinical Implant Dentistry, Volume 5, Number 3, 2003


Research Abstract

Mechanics of the tapered interference fit in dental implants

D. Bozkaya and S. Müftü, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 36, No. 11, pp. 1649-1658


Research Abstract at AADR/CADR Annual Meeting; San Antonio, TX

6.0 x 5.7mm Implants: Survival Estimates and Risk Factors for Failure

M.A. GENTILE, S.-K. CHUANG, and T.B. DODSON, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA


Research Abstract at AADR/CADR Annual Meeting; San Antonio, TX

Mixed-effects Frailty Failure Time Methods to Estimate Dental Implant Survival

M.A. GENTILE, S.-K. CHUANG, and T.B. DODSON, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA.


Research Abstract at AADR/CADR Annual Meeting; San Antonio, TX

Determination of Bone Activity around a Surface-modified Titanium Alloy Implant

P.G. COELHO, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, and J. LEMONS, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.


Research Abstract at IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session; San Diego, CA

Dental implant complications: Types, frequency, and associated risk factors

N. MCDERMOTT, S.-K. CHUANG, V. VEHEMENTE, S. DAHER, A. MUFTU, and T.B. DODSON, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA, Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine, USA, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, USA, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA.


Research Abstract at IADR/AADR/CADR 80th General Session; San Diego, CA

Risk factors for dental implant failure: A strategy for the analysis of clustered failure time observations

S.-K. CHUANG, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA, L.-J. WEI, Harvard School of Public Health, USA, and T.B. DODSON, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA.


Research Abstract

Stress Distribution Characteristics of Various Implant Systems due to Non-central Occlusal Loads

Bozkaya, D., Müftü, S. and Müftü, A., Poster presentation abstract for the Academy of Osseointegration 18th Annual Meeting, February 27-March 1, 2003, Boston MA.


Research Abstract

Tapered Connection Mechanisms in Dental Implants

Bozkaya, D., Müftü, S., Poster presentation abstract for the Academy of Osseointegration 18th Annual Meeting, February 27-March 1, 2003, Boston MA.