The IAC Laboratory Course Part I is designed for an experienced technician interested in learning the techniques necessary for fabrication of an Integrated Abutment Crown™ (IAC). The course will familiarize participants with the basics of the Bicon restorative process and the fabrication of an IAC using the unique polyceramic material, DiamondCrown™. Emphasis is placed on the proper handling techniques of the DiamondCrown™ material. The Integrated Abutment Crown™ process begins with the abutment selection, modification, and continues with the successive applications of materials to form the crown. The IAC is finished with contouring and a slow speed polishing technique.


  • Hands-on training
  • Overview of the Bicon restorative process
  • Overview of the Integrated Abutment Crown (IAC)
  • Polyceramic materials
  • Abutment selection
  • Abutment preparation
  • IAC build-up techniques
  • Polishing techniques
  • Contouring techniques

Audience: Laboratory technicians and
restorative dentists
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Time: 8:00am–5:00pm
Tuition: $750.00 per course
CE Credits: 8 hours

LAB1-01 Feb. 24, 2006 Boston, MA



The IAC Laboratory Course Part II is designed for an experienced technician interested in advanced shading and characterization techniques as well as complicated build-up processes. The course requires comprehensive understanding of the polyceramic material, DiamondCrown™ and its various applications. The emphasis of this course will be on the numerous aspects of shade selection, characterization, shade blending and build-up techniques.


  • Hands-on training
  • Advanced IAC build-up techniques
  • Detailed characterization and shade techniques

Audience: Laboratory technicians and
restorative dentists
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Time: 8:00am–5:00pm
Tuition: $750.00 per course
CE Credits: 8 hours

LAB2-01 By appointment Boston, MA