Bicon Bulletin - January 2005

NEW! Bicon Instructional DVD

The new Bicon Instructional DVD contains the new Surgical Video, the revised Instrumentation Video and a comprehensive case study video. The Bicon Surgical Video includes our proven and predictable techniques that have been successfully utilized over the years by many Bicon clinicians. The Bicon Instrumentation Video is intended to provide clinicians and their staff with a detailed description and explanation for the use of various instruments of the Bicon system. The case study video presents the immediate stabilization and function surgical technique, as well as the impression, laboratory, and seating techniques for a maxillary central incisor Integrated Abutment Crown™ (IAC).


The new videos are also available online:

New Surgical Video
Revised Instrumentation Video
New Comprehensive Case Study Video

Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane

Guides healing of bone and surrounding tissue
• Unique fiber orientation provides high tensile strength for in situ stability of the membrane.
• Macromolecular pore size allows for nutrient transfer.
• Highly purified type I collagen material from bovine Achilles tendon.
• Predictable resorption time of 26-38 weeks.
• Cell occlusive, retards and/or prevents epithelium down growth which prevents contact of gingival connective tissue with the implant and bony surfaces.
• Membrane can be easily trimmed during the surgery for a specific clinical adaptation.

The Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane is intended for use with oral surgical techniques associated with bone grafting and implant placements.

Part Number: 260-509-800
: 30mm x 40mm x 0.3mm

Part Number: 260-509-300
: 20mm x 30mm x 0.3mm

Part Number: 260-509-600
: 15mm x 20mm x 0.3mm


1. The appearance of a depression indicates the absence of the buccal
plate of bone.

2. Flap elevation reveals extensive loss of buccal bone and confirms the
need for bone grafting with a membrane. The height of the existing interproximal bone indicates the expected vertical level of regeneration after grafting.

3. Bicon Resorbable Collagen Membrane is being sized and shaped to
cover the grafted site with approximately a 3.0mm margin of bone.

4. After placing the grafting material in the area of the defect, the membrane is initially tucked under the margin of the palatal flap, and then folded over the buccal aspect of the site or vice versa. Be sure that the membrane is stable and securely placed under the palatal tissue.

5. Primary closure is desirable to provide full coverage of the membrane. Dissecting and suturing the buccal aspect of the flap will allow for the coronal movement of the flap facilitating its primary closure.

6. Six month post-operative view of the grafted site.



Bicon Shade Enhancer

Facilitates efficient and accurate recording of shades


• Eliminates the frustration of taking incorrect shades.
• Easy to use because of its unique design.
• Provides excellent color detail and contrast.

The Bicon Shade Enhancer facilitates the accurate recording of tooth shades and form by providing a black background which eliminates extraneous detail. The Bicon Shade Enhancer, by providing better contrast for the image, enhances noticeable details of the tooth’s color. After making digital images of the tooth shade with several shade guides (preferably with a digital camera equipped with a macro lens and a ring flash: e.g. Nikon D1X or D100 with AF Macro Nikkor 105mm 1:28 and Nikon Macro Speedlight SB-29s), send the images to the dental technician as JPG files by e-mail or transfer the JPGs onto a CD for shipment with the prosthetic case.

1. The wider side of the Bicon Shade Enhancer is used for recording anterior tooth shades.

2. The image is recorded with the lens perpendicular to the tooth while the shade guide is parallel to the tooth.

3. The Bicon Shade Enhancer’s thinner portion is used for the recording of shades of posterior teeth.

4. Record the image preferably at the beginning of the appointment while the tooth is still moist.


Product News

NEW! Crown Seating Tip: Designed to facilitate the tapping of an Integrated Abutment Crown™ or an extra-orally cemented crown especially in the maxillary anterior when the incisal edge of the crown is not in line with the long axis of the abutment post. The Crown Seating Tip (Part # 260-101-015) is used in conjunction with a custom thermoplastic seating jig fabricated by the technician. (See Maxillary Anterior Seating Guide below.)

UPDATED! Crown Alignment Device: Designed to fabricate custom seating jig that will assure thatseating forces are directed in the long axis of the abutment post and implant well. The thermoplastic jig may be formed chairside or at the laboratory with the alignment device. (Part # 260-101-315)

NEW! Impression Reamer: Designed for the removal of excess bone over the shoulder of a deeply placed implant to facilitate the proper seating of an impression post.

NEW! Healing Plug Removal Instrument: Designed to replace the use of the #110 Reamer which was previously utilized for the removal of healing plugs at the second stage surgery. (Part # 260-101-114)

UPDATED! Bicon Catalog 2005: Look for your copy in the mail. It is also available online as a section of the Bicon website or as a PDF to download.

UPDATED! Bicon will be eliminating the 5.0 x 14.0mm implant in all three surface treatments from its product line. Bicon does not encourage the use of any 14mm long implant since the surface area of the 4.5 x 8.0mm and 5.0 x 8.0mm implants are sufficient to support any tooth in the dental arch.

NEW! Maxillary Anterior Seating Guide: The superior gingival aesthetics of Bicon restorations are known worldwide by clinicians and patients alike. It is in the maxillary anterior that these aesthetics can truly shine; however, it is also in the maxillary anterior where clinicians must follow precise Bicon techniques. Please be sure to call Bicon for a copy of this seating guide.



2005 Bicon Educational Opportunities & Events

As always, our calendar is replete with educational opportunities for you, your referring dentists, staff, and laboratory technicians. Courses, lectures, events, and exhibits are frequently added, so please refer to our online calendar for the most up-to-date information.